The right light at the right time, time after time
They’re both multipurpose. This means whether you’re shooting video or still, the B10X and B10X Plus can take it in their stride. Less gear, more shooting! Both have been re-designed, so they provide ease-of-use, straight out of the box. Batteries are quick and easy to switch in and out and can be charged while in use. B10X and B10X Plus also include useful features like continuous light output of 3250lm. B10X and B10X Plus also feature Profoto’s Bluetooth-enabled technology AirX, enabling you to unleash the full power also when shooting with your smartphone. Making it possible to capture, edit and publish with the same device. Thereby dramatically reducing the time from creative concept to published image.
They’re big on versatility
Before, if you’re shooting stills, you need a light for that. Or if you’re shooting video, you’d need a light for that too. Not anymore. The B10X and the B10X Plus provide the perfect, seamless, convenient way to shoot both with the same light. Saving you time, hassle, and worry.
Lights you can grow with
With a dozen light-shaping tools in our compact and lightweight OCF family, and 120 more available from the full Profoto family, you can create and shape any kind of light with the B10, B10X and B10X Plus. A range of Profoto AirTTL options for wireless trigger and control means they are compatible any major camera brand, while the Profoto app lets you play with light and shadow to create amazing images with the lights from your smartphone.