Try before you buy Program

Try, buy and received a refund for the first rental day.

Check out our Try before you buy program. Rent the camera or photo equipment you’re interested in and test it in real-world conditions. If you later decide to buy it , we’ll refund the first day’s rental fee.

Discover eligible photo gear

Try Before You Buy
Try Before You Buy

How does it work?

Browse our extensive selection of photo equipment on 50.8 Rentals, choose the item you’re interested in, and select the rental duration that suits you best.

You are now ready to put it through its paces in real-world scenarios. If, after renting the equipment, you decide to make a purchase, we will refund you the cost of the first day of rental.

Try the photo gear

Renting photo equipment allows you to test the camera or lens in real conditions before making a permanent investment.

Try and find the gear that suits your photography needs

We understand that every purchasing decision is important, which is why we also offer an unmatched satisfaction guarantee.

By renting the camera or photo equipment you are interested in, you can discover the one that best suits your style, preferences, and the specific needs of your projects.

If you decide to purchase the camera or photo equipment from our store at a later date, we will refund the rental fee for the first day of this item!

Try before you buy

Try Before You Buy
Try Before You Buy
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